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Các bài đánh giá và lượng giá

Tests and scales


Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
The COPM is an evidence-based outcome measure designed to capture a patient’s self-perception of performance in everyday living, over time. The score forms as well as the user's guide have been translated into Vietnamese and can now be purchased from the COPM website:

Participation and Environment Measure - Children and Youth (PEM-CY)
The PEM-CY is a measure that evaluates participation in the home, at school, and in the community, alongside environmental factors within each of these settings. The PEM-CY allows parents and service providers to understand more about a child/youth’s current level of participation, while encouraging problem solving strategies around changeable elements within each setting to better support further participation.

The Measure has been translated into Vietnamese and license for using it can now be purchased from CabChild website:


Pediatric Motor Activity Log-revised (PMAL)
The PMAL is a structured interview intended to examine how often and how well a child uses his/her involved upper extremity (UE) in their natural environment outside the therapeutic setting.

Download the Vietnamese version here


ABILHAND-Kids is a measure of manual ability for children with upper limb impairments. The scale measures a person's ability to manage daily activities that require the use of the upper limbs, whatever the strategies involved.

The measure has been translated into Vietnamese and can be accessed here. You can also download the instructions here.


Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
The PEDI assesses functional skills, level of independence and the extent of modifications required to perform functional activities in young children


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